Interested in seeing Wabi Sabi play a show on your campus?

Read on to find out how you can help get the process started!

  • Each college has a Student Activities Office, or similarly-named department, that is responsible for booking acts on campus. In order for our booking agent to look into a show on your campus, we need to know the name of the Activities Office contact person.
  • Given the transitory nature of a college campus, these student contacts often change. Therefore, it is especially helpful to know who the faculty advisor in charge of Student Activities is as well.
  • Keep in mind that colleges book gigs months in advance. If you have a specific date or event in mind, be aware that spring gigs are usually booked in the fall, and vice-versa. It helps, then, to get the ball rolling early. Having said that, don't hesitate to send in your college's contact info even if it's close to your desired date. Things change, opportunities arise, logistical planets may align. And regardless, it helps to have the information on file for future booking possibilities
  • As we are likely unfamiliar with your campus, let us know what rooms are potentially available and what their approximate capacity is.
  • Want to go the extra mile? Do you have a college newspaper or radio station that would like to feature Wabi Sabi? Let us know who the entertainment editor or program director is and we'll be happy to get press kits and music samples to them.
  • Above all, remember how much your help is appreciated!!

Okay, I've done some research and I've got my info together. Now what?

  • Email your Student Activities Center contact information (those student and faculty contacts in charge of booking shows on campus, the ones you so painstakingly sought out) and potential venue information to
  • Email any newspaper or radio (college or local) contacts to
  • Hope to see you on campus soon!
  • All help is greatly appreciated!!